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"Lord Byron", first half of 19th Century. Gilt bronze mantel clock depicting Lord Byron sitted on ruins. He is dressed in a English costume carrying his pistol and sword. Dimensions: 83Χ66Χ28 cm.
"Greek Warrior with his horse" Biscuit porcelain made from a french factory. Height: 40 cm.
Rare french porcelain Tea set decorated with scenes of Greek Revolution Against the Turks. Condition: Excellent Date: 1820-1825
"Oriental Female Figure", 1840 c.a. Bronze Gilt Mantel Clock. Dimensions: 46Χ36 cm.
Philhellenic Box "Young couple in Greek costume.", 2nd quarter of 19th Century. Wooden jewellery box with handpainted representation. Dimensions: 9 Χ 13 Χ 3 cm.
Philhellenic Tray. "Scene from the Greek Revolution 1821", First half of 19th century. Metal tray with painted scene from the Greek Revolution Against the Turks. Dimensions: 66X52 cm.
Greek Independence Philhellenic Snuff Box C.a 1830's Nineteenth century suff box depicting the struggle of the Greeks for their independence. The box reads "Un pretre grec defendeit jusqu'à la...
Philhellenic painting 19th. "Wounded Greek Soldier", c.a 1840. Oil on canvas. Dimensions: 40X32 cm.
Pair of Greek silver-gilt flintlock holster (kubur) pistols. Late 18th century. Length: 54 cm
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